door Susan Dircken | jun 28, 2021 | blog, blog
ARJAN BOM EBA discussion paper on integrated reporting Home » blog » Pagina 2 The burden and time consumption that goes into regulatory reporting is probably recognisable for every financial institution. With the advent of the banking union and Basel III, the...
door Susan Dircken | nov 26, 2020 | blog, blog
DOMINIQUE VANDE LANGERIJT & JOOST JAN NOORDEGRAAF Legacy in a rapidly modernizing world Home » blog » Pagina 2 WHY INSURANCE COMPANIES ARE EMBRACING DATA MANAGEMENT While Solvency 2 was a big shake up earlier this decade, succeeding the Solvency I directive from...
door Susan Dircken | nov 19, 2020 | blog
THIJS PEETERS Do COVID 19 support programs result to shocks in non-performing loan exposure? Home » blog » Pagina 2 RELAXED REGULATIONS MITIGATING THE COVID 19 IMPACT ON THE BANKING SECTOR Since the outbreak of COVID-19 and its global spread since February, the...
door Susan Dircken | okt 12, 2020 | blog
THIJS PEETERS Have Babylon and Florence gotten closer to each other? Home » blog » Pagina 3 CRO’S ARE FROM BABYLON, CFO’S ARE FROM FLORENCE That was the title of an article a global consulting firm published back in 2008. The article stressed the case for aligning...
door Susan Dircken | jun 15, 2020 | blog
DOMINIQUE VANDE LANGERIJT & JORT KOLMAN Consulting 5.0: Our perspective on Consulting Home » blog » Pagina 3 Consultants, we’re a different breed. Or so we are told. But what exactly is a consultant and how did this role evolve? There is no other term which is...
door Susan Dircken | apr 15, 2020 | blog
THIJS PEETERS The future of finance and risk Home » blog » Pagina 3 TRANSFORMING TO THE EFFECTIVE INFORMATION SUPPLIER “It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”,...