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Global reporting strategy

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A global insurer required an enhanced global reporting environment across the enterprise-wide organization, delivering high quality, flexible, as well as IFRS and Solvency II compliant reporting for Finance, Risk, Capital, and Investments, as efficient as possible.

What did we do?

  • Defined a TO-BE functional model and TO-BE IT architecture for integrated global IFRS, Risk, Solvency, and Investment reporting.
  • Designed and implemented:
    • System and data governance framework for global reporting.
    • Data model in reporting solution, including interfacing with country units.
  • Advised on vendor selection for system solution of financial accounting, global reporting, and risk calculation.
  • Delivered Quality Assurance for the implementation of the Solution Architecture.

Results achieved

  • Improved data quality and reporting through consistent data definitions, data management and data governance.
  • Increased flexibility to timely meet increasing, more detailed and ad hoc (regulatory) reporting requirements and to make better business decisions.
  • Improved global infrastructure for reporting, including common language, processes, and system solutions.

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